Musculoskeletal Problems

Majority of people will suffer from musculoskeletal problems (MSK). Here is a list of the most common problems people suffer from:

  • Anterior Knee Pain
  • Patellofemoral Mal-tracking
  • Ligament sprains of the knees, ankles & shoulders,
  • Low Back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Disc Bulge/Herniation/Prolapse of the neck and lower back
  • Nerve impingement
  • Muscle problems such as strains, pulls, tightness/ Muscle imbalances
  • Tendonosis/ Tendonitis
  • RSI ( Repetitive strain Injuries)
  • T4 Syndrome

Here is a brief summary of each problem:

Anterior Knee Pain: A general pain at the front of the knee that can be caused by many different conditions that include: Chondromalacia of the patella (Knee cap), Tendonitis, Patella Mal-tracking, Arthritis.

Patellofemoral Mal-Tracking: Many different reasons can cause the kneecap to be out of alignment but the most common cause is muscular imbalances of the Quadriceps muscles. Most commonly the lateral Quad is stronger than the medial quad causing an imbalance and the knee cap to glide laterally.

Ligament Sprains: A stretch or tear in a ligament. Strains are stretch or tear in muscle tissue or tendons.

Low Back pain: A very common problem affecting the muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, discs & nerves. It is a very broad term that covers sciatica & disc herniation as well as general low back discomfort and/ or pain.

Sciatica: A nerve pinch or trapped nerve in relation to the sciatic nerve. Symptoms include low back pain & leg pain such as shooting pains or numbness.

Disc Bulge: A complex condition in which fluid inside the disc bulges out (but is still intact within the disc) and can compress on nerves or irritate them to cause pain and other nerve symptoms. Disc Herniation is when the fluid from the inner layer of the disc leaks out due to the walls of the outer layer of the disc has a break/crack and the integrity of the disc is compromised. This leads to an increase in nerve symptoms and more severe symptoms of pain.

Tendonosis/ TendonitisTendonosis usually occurs over time due to over use such as repetitive strain injury. It is usually a chronic condition where inflammation is not present. Instead there usually occurs micro-tears in the tendon ( at the cellular level). Over time the tendon is enlarged and feels enlarged on palpation. Tendonitis is inflammation in the tendon which is also usually caused by overuse.

T4 Syndrome: A complex condition in which there is pain and joint stiffness of the T4 Vertebra which will most likely affect the joints above and below the affected spinal vertebra. Symptoms include: Upper thoracic spine stiffness, Numbness of the fingertips, tightness of chest, breathlessness, general pain or ache of the thoracic region. Initially if these symptoms are discovered please see your G.P. to rule out any serious conditions related to the heart and lungs before suggesting a skeletal condition.