Plymouth Acupuncture Practice

Mr Charles and Kim Lay Im Plymouth Acupuncture Physiotherapy Clinic

Our Plymouth Acupuncture practice was established since 1984. Over the last 30 years our practitioners have helped thousands of patients. It is a family based practice providing the highest quality of care to our patients. We find efficient and effective ways to ensure their needs are met so that they can return to a happy healthy lifestyle.

Many of them have repeatedly come back for different health issues and recommended us to their friends and family.


Charles Im
BSc(Hons) Physiotherapy MCSP; Certificate Ac (Beijing) MAACP, HCPC Registered

Plymouth Acupuncture Practice

Beijing Acupuncture School

Plymouth Acupuncture Practice

Mr Kim Lay Im

Kim Lay Im
Certificate Ac (Beijing), MBAc C, Dip TCM (Beijing), MACMP.Dip Nap(London)



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Plymouth Acupuncture Practice

Plymouth Acupuncture PracticePlymouth Acupuncture Practice

Plymouth Acupuncture PracticePlymouth Acupuncture Practice