As more people experience first-hand the benefits of acupuncture, it is being increasingly recognized as a valid and effective treatment option for a of range conditions.
The World Health Organistion has listed the following symptoms, diseases and conditions that have been shown through controlled trials to be teated effectively by acupuncture.
- Pain of any Kind: Low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, tennis elbow, knee pain, periarthritis of the shoulder, sprains.
- Head: headache, migraine, facial pain, Bell’s palsy, dental pain.
- Limbs and muscles: rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, sciatica pain, back pain, arthritis, ME, MS.
- Digestion: pregnancy morning sickness, nausea, vomiting,, gastritis, indigestion, heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome.
- Respiratory system: asthma, shortness of breath, bronchitis, tickly and dry coughs
- General state: chronic fatigue syndrome, general lack of energy and promote well-being
- Circulation system: palpitations, poor circulation, high blood pressure
- Ear, nose, throat: hay fever, sinusitis, catarrh
- Nervous system: depression, anxiety
- Women’s diseases: painful or irregular periods, pre-menstrual syndrome, menopause syndrome (hot flash and excessive sweating), endometriosis, some forms of infertility, chronic cystitis
- Musculoskeletal Problems
We also treat skin diseases with acupuncture and herbal medicine for: eczema psoriasis, acne, rosacea
Musculoskeletal problems can be treated by acupuncture and physiotherapy. Click here to read more.